Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Peanut!

Happy Birthday Peanut! 

I can't believe that you are actually SEVEN!  How did you get so old so fast? 

I remember bringing you home from the hospital on that warm May day.  I was experiencing a huge mix of emotions.  Happiness that you were finally here to hold.  Fear that I would do something wrong or that I wouldn't know how to take care of you.  Exhaustion from a long labor and lack of sleep.  Most of all, I was experiencing LOVE.  From the time I held you in my arms and looked into your eyes I was smitten.  Your gorgeous eye-lashes, your chubby cheeks, the way that you curled up against my chest and seemed to fit just right in my arms as you slept.  You were my baby then, and you always will be.  I love you with all my heart!


  1. I am super late ... but HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PEANUT!!!! I hope she had a great day!


  2. She actually came home sick on her birthday, so it wasn't the best. However, we more than made up for it once she was feeling better. We went to a Japanese Steakhouse. That is always fun! Thanks for the thought!
