Friday, June 25, 2010

Embracing Summer Reading

Twittermoms has a new blogging program this summer to find and share ways to keep your kids involved in reading this summer.  I can't wait to read the tips and tricks that other moms use to keep their kids engaged during the summer months.  Right now, I am fortunate to have two little girls that LOVE to read.  Reading is an integral part of their lives and has been since the day they were born.  Each night before bed we read a story (or two or three) to the girls.  Some of the books we read are silly, whereas others are more "educational" in nature.  No matter what we read though, the girls love to participate either by reading themselves or asking questions about the book and the characters.  Honestly, I don't think a day goes by where we don't spend at least 1/2 hour reading together.

My girls are happy to continue their reading during the summer months.  The problem usually comes in when I get busy or just too lazy to keep them on track.  During the summer, as the days are longer, and bedtimes get later, it is tempting to skip the story to get the girls in bed faster.   One way that I have found to keep myself on track is to sign Peanut and Pumpkin up for summer reading programs.  Most major bookstores have a program that simply involves reading books to earn prizes. Some of our favorites are:

Our local library has a summer reading program too.  This program has a list of different types of books to read in order to win various prizes.  For example, we needed to read 3 Caldecott books, 5 picture books, a biography, a book by an author whose last name begins with the same letter as our last name, etc.  It is like a scavenger hunt of reading.  It has encouraged us to select books we wouldn't normally read and expand our horizon a bit.  This is actually the best way we find to stay on track since weekly visits to the library are also factored in to your prize earning abilities.  Once we go to the library and pick out a book, the girls can't wait to get them all read. 

For other tips and tricks be sure to check out Twitter Moms Reading Channel.  You're bound to get some great ideas.  If you have ideas to share, the TwitterMoms community would love to hear them.  Check out their site to find out how to get involved.  I welcome your ideas and comments here as well.

*Disclaimer:  I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms blogging program to be eligible to get an "I Can Read!" book. For more information on how you can participate, click here.

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